Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 5 meeting

At 1:02 p.m., Eva Stimson commenced the meeting. Eva asked Valerie Mansfield to lead the invocation. Valerie shared Psalm 36:4 with the group, and tied this verse simple pleasures and gratefulness to God.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, then welcomed special guest Amy Garvin to the club meeting. Amy is the area governor for Area 66 of Toastmasters (i.e., “Downtown Louisville”).

During the business meeting, corrections were suggested for the July 17 meeting minutes; the minutes were then approved as corrected. Eva reminded club officers that there is a Toastmasters officers training scheduled for August 25 at 6:30 p.m., located at the Kentucky Farm Bureau. Eva decided to cancel August’s executive council meeting in an effort to encourage officers to attend the training

Eva introduced Glenn as Toastmaster. Glenn asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Timer—Eric Darnell; Table Topics—Deborah Hoff; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Kim Kaberle; Vote Counter—Perry Chang.

Kim introduced verbose as the word of the day.
Function: adjective
Date: 1672; Latin verbosus, from verbum
1: Containing more words than necessary : wordy 2. Given to wordiness
Verbosely—adverb; verboseness—noun; verbosity—noun—
Sentence Example: In their attempt to explain things thoroughly, politicians tend to be rather verbose.

Glenn invited Joelle Anderson to give her Competent Communication Program Manual Project 2 speech, titled “The Helping of Humor.” In her speech, Joelle spoke of various ways humor can help people cope with awkward, embarrassing or difficult situations in life.

Glenn next asked Deborah Hoff to lead Table Topics. Consistent with the meeting’s theme, Deborah’s questions centered on the topic of “humor.”

Glenn then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

In evaluating Joelle’s speech, Becki Moody noted that the speech was well-organized and contained good stories. She also thought that Joelle displayed a good use of vocal variety during the speech.

Timer Eric Darnell reported the following times:

Joelle Anderson’s speech 5:41
Becki Moody’s speech evaluation Time not available
Table Topics:
Eva Stimson 1:08
Bethany Furkin 1:12
Gary Warren 0:29
Patricia Longfellow 1:00
Glenn Lewis 2:16
Ada Middleton 1:48

Ah Counter/Grammarian Kim Kaberle announced that the word of the day had not been used at all (but she included it in her evaluation!). She counted 21 ahs/ums throughout the meeting, and 153 smiles. J

Vote Counter Perry Chang awarded Ada Middleton with the Table Topics victory.

Amy Garvin spoke briefly about a few upcoming Toastmasters events, including the Humorous Speech Contest on August 18 and the Humana Speaks “Moment of Truth” meeting on August 27. She also reviewed the goals that the Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club would need to meet this year in order to become a Toastmasters Distinguished Club.

In her final remarks, Eva observed that humor is difficult to talk about. She then closed the meeting at 1:56 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson

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