Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept. 19, 2012 Meeting a Polychromatic Experience

Our word for the day was polychromatic.  I think Ken must have called Becki ahead of time and asked her to model its meaning for us (multi-colored).  As I skim down the page of photos, I see that other members got that memo as well.

I used the term polychromatic as I talked about my role as the Timer, referring to the green, yellow and red light system which signals speakers that time is passing.  Be forewarned:  Being the Timer today, I learned that I cannot hold a stopwatch, keep time, take pictures, and take notes simultaneously.  Something's gotta give, and it was my notes.

So prepare for a "blog lite" experience during Table Topics today, when I couldn't manage my notetaking.  However, Becki gave me her Invocation and the other Becky gave me notes to her speech.  Muchas gracias! 

Becki took on dual roles today: Acting President and Invocation leader.  She read an excerpt from a poem by Sri Chinmoy.  It reminds us we are wise to realize that we don't know everything and still have much to learn:

My ignorance thunders:
You are nothing, 

I am everything.
My knowledge declares:
You know something,
But I know much more.
My wisdom whispers:
You and I know nothing 

Of everything on earth,
And everything of nothing
In Heaven.

(You can enjoy more of his poems by clicking on his name:   Sri Chinmoy )

Pictured to the left, I learned that Sri Chinmoy moved to an Ashram at age 12, after his parents died.  There, he spent 20 years in spiritual practice.  Sri sees aspiration - the heart's ceaseless yearning for ever higher and deeper realities - as the spiritual force behind all great advances in religion, culture, sports, and science. By living in the heart and aspiring for continual self-transcendence, men and women can bring forward the best in themselves and find their path to true satisfaction. In his words: "Our goal is to go from bright to brighter to brightest, from high to higher to highest. And even in the highest, there is no end to our progress, for God Himself is inside each of us and God at every moment is transcending His own Reality."

I inserted this lengthy quote because each one of us represents a light that gets brighter and brighter as we work together as Peace Speakers, expressing our ideas and supporting each others' growth in communication and leadership. In our club, I see the best in other members and believe that there is no end to our individual or collective progress.

Yes, sometimes we get visitors to our club.  Betsy introduces her friend, Gwen, who has paid a visit to our club today.


Joelle also served in multiple roles today:  Secretary, Toastmaster, and the Table Topics Master.  Whew!!!  No wonder she felt a little harried, but she kept a smile on her face and conducted herself masterfully.

As a new member of Peace Speakers, Becky gave her Ice Breaker speech today, introducing herself to the rest of the club.  I always love these speeches, as it's a chance to delve a little into the unknown life of the speaker.  Becky's title, "Traveling Down the Path of Most Resistance," created intrigue at the onset.  This woman focuses on things she wants to improve rather than on her areas of accomplishment. 

Not willing to settle for less, Becky chooses paths of greater resistance, aware that taking the easy way out leads to mediocrity.  She chooses to grow in fortitude, energy and strength even though the trek is often arduous and scary. 

Becky faces her perceived shortcomings and tackles them head on.  For example, rather than accepting her fear of heights, she chose to rappel off a cliff. Then in college, earning a "D" in Chemistry bothered her so much that she retook the course, earning a much better grade.  And now, feeling unpolished as a speaker, she's thrown herself fully into Toastmasters seeking skills and friendship.  She's in a position to have both!

A few other facts Becky shared about herself:
  • Is a mother of 2 sons, who are above average in both intelligence and annoyance.    :  )
  • Is a wife to an above average man in humor and patience.
  • Is finishing her degree in Information Studies with  certification as a School Media Specialist.
  • Is a 4-year computer teacher with 3-years experience as a sub for JCPS.
  • Is a supervisor to 9 dedicated employees who are driven to help others.  
  • Believes we are truly all one in the world.  
Joelle had a movie newsreel pictured at the top of our agendas, and her Table Topics questions reflected that.  This is where my brain went into a freeze.  With 1-2 minutes to photograph people, time them with the stopwatch, record times, and makes notes on what they said, I failed on the notetaking...big time! (So, I got a little silly to fill in what was missing. )

What's your favorite kind of movie?  
Rhonda said she loved science fiction the best.  (My my, isn't that the cutest top ever!!!!!!!! My memory may be poor, but I know cute clothes when I see them.)

What was your favorite movie as a child?
Robin admitted it was between Annie and The Wizard of Oz, in which she loved belting out the songs.  (You can't tell, but she's a few days away from having a baby.  This an example of trick photography.) 

Which do you prefer:  movie or a book?
Eric prefers reading a book to sitting and watching a movie.  (Eric is rolling up his sleeves, showing us how serious he is.  Actually, he's cuter than this picture gives him credit.)

Have you ever seen a movie you hated?
Gwen couldn't think of one, then turned it around and admitted her favorite movie, though, was The Ten Commandments.  (Every picture I took of this visitor looked award-winning.  Charlton Heston should have smiled like that once in a while to win over the masses.)

What movie have you seen more than once?
Becki admitted that she's seen Gone with the Wind 15 to 20 times!  (She proceeded to give great insight into why, which is why she won the vote and the esteemed Table Topics trophy.  I'm serious now, Becki.  I recommend you seei Barfi at Tinsletown this week if you like long, interesting movies and can handle subtitles.)

                                 SPEECH EVALUATION
Perry may look like he's ranting, but it's his way of telling Becky that he really enjoyed her Ice Breaker speech.  He thought it was conversational, funny, informative, and inspirational.  He suggested she project a little louder and admitted that he, too, gets a bit nervous when he speaks.  

I imagine all of us at Peace Speakers experience nervousness from time to time.  That's one reason why we're here.  At our next meeting, I will be giving a speech after an unforgivably long lull.  Whether you're a Peace Speaker or a visitor to this blog, I hope you'll come.  I'll be doing something out of the ordinary for me, and it'll be a stretch.  


ARE OCT. 3 AND OCT. 17, 2012


Come to Room 4000 

 for the Oct. 3rd meeting!

Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
Presbyterian Center
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
VP of Public Relations for Peace Speakers

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Informative, Engaging, and Fun - Our Sept. 5, 2012 Meeting


Our Toastmaster 

Club Mission

With the opening of our Peace Speakers meeting today, Ada, our president, shared the Toastmasters mission statement and asked members to recite it at each meeting:
"The mission of our Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth."

This is a great reminder for members as we abide by this pledge.  Now visitors will clearly know our purpose and goals. 

      2013 Toastmasters International Convention

Ada announced that our Toastmasters International Convention for 2013 will be in Cincinatti, Ohio.  The dates for that are August 21-24, 2013, so start thinking about how you can fit that into your plans for learning and fun!

Invocation for the Day

Ken whipped out his smart phone to pull up his Invocation for the day.  Admitting that he searched the Toastmaster International site for ideas, he left us with a quote from Dale Carnegie:  "There are three speeches for every one you actually gave.  The one you practiced,  the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave."  

We all have personal reasons why we're members of Toastmasters.  When we come and participate, we get closer to achieving our goals and delivering that "wished for" speech.

Treasurer's Report
Our treasurer, Perry, shared details about our Peace Speakers account.  Dues are paid by each member semi-annually.  Renewing members, please get your $39 to Perry soon, as our dues must be submitted to the Toastmasters International world headquarters office before October 1st.

Toastmaster for the Day

                         Our Toastmaster, Eric, gets the ball rolling for the educational portion of our meeting today. He placed a  picture of an unwrapped sandwich at the top of our agenda, and he asks if any of us recognize it.  It's the famed "donut burger" served at the Kentucky State Fair, and his wife loved it.  Thereafter, Eric asks me, today's Joke Master, to deliver my goods.

Joke Master for the Day

I was in Chautauqua, NY, last month when this shot was taken, but this was the dress I wore to our meeting today.  (As the photographer and blogger for our meetings, it's my easiest option.) 

In light of the nature of political campaigns, I focused on humor related to politics.  Ross Perot was spot on when he remarked, "War has rules.  Mud wrestling has rules.  But politics has no rules."  I followed this quote with several ridiculous bumper sticker messages.  Here's one that targets all candidates running for office:  

Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often, and for the same reason.

Other bumper stickers directly targeted individual politicians:  

A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Romney Hood:  Robbing from the middle class; enriching the 1%.  

Unfortunately, I was unable to load any of the 12 political cartoons that I shared on a handout at our meeting.  What ever our leanings, may we all be able to maintain some levity during the upcoming elections.

The Timer

Prior to our first speech, Eva explains how the timing system works.  Similar to traffic lights, the green light is for go but alerts speakers that their time is limited, the yellow suggests that time is waning, and the red indicates that the allotted time has expired.  Speakers know to quickly wind their speeches to a close at this point.

Our Speech for the Day
Robin began her speech with a powerful suggestion:  “Work for a cause. Not for applause.” That’s what members of the Junior League of Louisville strive to do, an organization of women dedicated to community service.  It’s open to women over the age of 22 of all races, religions, and national origins who are committed to voluntarism.

Few people fully understand the impact that the Junior League makes in our community every day. Robin laid it on us, citing impressive examples.  Here are a few: 
·      In 2009-'10, league members dedicated more than 3,000 hours in community service and impacted over 54,000 lives through hands-on projects.
·      Members also raised over $45,000 in fundraising, with 100% of the proceeds returned to the community through service projects and training.
·      Addressing today’s health challenges at the root of the cause, the Junior League is involved in the Be Fit, Be Fine Health and Wellness Initiative.
·       League members also dedicate their time through Done in a Day Projects. A few organizations benefiting from their voluntarism include Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Gilda’s Club, and Blessings in a Backpack. 

In order to provide continued support of its community initiatives, the Junior League stays aggressive in its fundraising, which keeps Robin busy as well.  She knows it will be returned to the community in some beneficial way and loves serving in The League’s present and future initiatives. 

Robin invited us to learn more about the Junior League by visiting their web site:  

Table Topics Fun

Joelle, our Table Topics Master, enticed us with questions she posed on slips of paper.  Although she chose no central theme, she assured us they were user-friendly.  Eric took the first bait. 
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

Without hesitation, Eric replied, "Fly!"  Admitting he's lived near airports or under flight paths for much of his life, he thinks the ability to fly an airplane would be an incredible experience.  He's always appreciated pilots and their ability to control aircraft.  He finds their careers intriguing and exciting.

If you could stay at any age, what age would you choose?

Ada was clear:  age is just a number, and she didn't seem to think there was a perfect one.  Sure, the body eventually deteriorates, but more importantly, it's all about keeping the mind healthy, which influences the body's health.  God has most assuredly blessed us at any age.

If you could choose any mentor, who would that be?

Ken chose Gandhi because he changed the world with his peaceful influence.  He exhibited power in a simple form.  Gandhi understood that we live in a world where money equals influence, but  even though he had no money, he still exemplified power in a peaceful way that spoke to millions.

If you could be any fictional character for a day, who would you choose?

Betsy admitted that her grandson watches a lot of Sponge Bob, and this is a character she's come to enjoy as well.  Sponge Bob and his friends always have a good time.  They live under the sea and are always in the midst of an adventure.  Besides that, he's a non-violent character who is very flexible.

If you were reincarnated as an ice cream flavor, what would it be?

Becki knows she wouldn't come back as a standard flavor.  She imagines it would be a really funky flavor with everything combined like cherries, chocolate, and nuts.  Being fairly creative, she's not a box kind of person like plain ol' vanilla.  However, she wouldn't be a combination like donuts and pickles, which clearly wouldn't work out well together! 

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be?

Robin, doing double duty as our speech maker today and volunteering to do Table Topics as well, nearly squealed with delight at this question.  She looooves throwing parties.   Her favorite is Halloween, and that's how she met her husband.  She gets excited just planning for them and loves couple's costumes, which her husband often vetoes.  This Halloween she's having an 80's-90's party where everyone dresses as pop stars and couples will do Karaoke.  Besides all that fun, the flavorful punch is her favorite, adding, "You gotta love it."

Some of the members are seen here mulling over which Table Topics speech was the best.  Everyone seemed to enjoy answering the questions as well as hearing the responses.

Becky, our vote counter, admits she enjoyed all of the 1-2 minute spontaneous speeches, but Robin's plans for a playful Halloween party comes out on top. She is awarded the Table Topics trophy to enjoy until our next meeting.  (Of course, with Robin's baby due any day, her attention may be diverted from this award...and for good reasons, too!!!)

I'm so grateful for this ongoing opportunity to be in community with interesting and supportive members of Toastmasters.  If you're a visitor to this blog, please join us at an upcoming Peace Speakers meeting and see if it's a good fit for you as well.


ARE SEPT. 19 AND OCT. 3, 2012

Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
Presbyterian Center
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
VP of Public Relations for Peace Speakers