Sunday, July 12, 2009

Speaking opportunity

This Monday (July 13) and Tuesday (July 14) afternoons, in a trailer parked in the Mid-City Mall parking lot, Kentuckiana folks will have a chance to be videotaped talking for a few minutes about an experience that changed them. The insurance company Mutual of Omaha, which I think has sponsored the TV show "Wild Kingdom," is sending a trailer and crew around the country to tape people talking about moments of personal transformation (not unlike National Public Radio's StoryCorp project). Folks helping organize the project contacted us through Becki and asked us to participate, and at least a couple of members are doing so. To add your name to the list, contact Megan Reed at: Organizers are already in town. To follow the tour, go to:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Twitter got you down?

New resources on the Web make some of the networking benefits that participating in community organizations such as Toastmasters clubs usually offer available instead on the Web. Rather than replacing club activities, however, using these new Web resources can supercharge the Toastmasters experience, making club members get more bang for their buck.

So argue Toastmasters who are also afficianados of new Web resources in a pair of articles in the May “Toastmasters” monthly magazine, which is free in printed form to all members. These articles include a great guide to new Web resources, at:

In addition to this blog, Peace Speakers already has a four-member group within the Presbyterian Church National Staff social networking site, and Toastmasters International has several Facebook groups, including:

Could podcasts or broadcast of videotaped speeches be next for Peace Speakers?

-- Perry

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Down the street

Another downtown Louisville Toastmasters club, Expressers, is holding its Humorous speech contest at lunchtime (12 noon-1 p.m.) on Monday, July 20. Expressers is looking for members of other clubs to serve as timer and judges. If you’re willing to serve in either of these roles, contact Dave Mattingly at: . It’s a great way to see another club in operation and see speakers from other clubs at their best! Expressers meets in the PNC building at 5th and Jefferson streets.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 17 meeting

In the absence of President Glenn Lewis, Perry Chang, Vice President for Education, opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m. He introduced the invocation leader, Eric Darnell, who read a quotation from Cato the Elder.

Perry led the Pledge of Allegiance and called everyone’s attention to the flag art on the meeting program, related to Flag Day (June 14) and Father’s Day (June 21). He welcomed everyone to the meeting, including Becki Moody, who was back after a long absence. He asked Kim Kaberle to report briefly on the 35-minute speech she gave at a recent women’s conference.

Perry then opened the business part of the meeting. Betsy Blocker made a motion that the minutes for the June 3, 2009 meeting be approved as written. The motion was seconded and approved.

Perry asked Eva Stimson, chair of the nominating committee, to present the committee’s proposed new slate of officers for the next club year, July 1, 2009–June 30, 2010. She presented the proposed slate, and Perry invited nominations from the floor. None being heard, Ada Middleton made a motion that the nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and approved. Betsy Blocker made a motion to elect the slate of officers by acclamation. The motion was seconded and approved. The following officers were elected:

- President—Eva Stimson
- Vice President for Education—Eric Darnell
- Vice President for Membership—Becki Moody (second term)
- Vice President for Public Relations—Perry Chang
- Secretary—Joelle Anderson
- Treasurer—Ada Middleton (second term)
- Sergeant at Arms—Patricia Longfellow

Eva noted that as Immediate Past President, Glenn Lewis will continue to serve on the Executive Committee.

Perry then assumed the role of Toastmaster and began the educational program. He invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Table Topics—Ada Middleton; Timer—Eva Stimson; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Betsy Blocker; Vote Counter—Valerie Mansfield.

Betsy Blocker said she had found in the club minutes the first word of the day ever presented at a Peace Speakers meeting. She chose this as the word of the day:

locution (lo-kyu-shen), noun

1. a style or way of speaking
Example: Her Australian locution impresses North Americans.

2. a turn of phrase, a verbal or written expression
Example: I thought ‘to suffocate all tries at reform’ was a peculiar locution even for Randolph.

Perry then led a special educational program on “Organizing Your Speech,” using a handout of tips from Toastmasters International. He included an activity in which everyone was asked to come up with a 3-part outline for a speech, then discuss it with another person.

Perry introduced Ada Middleton to lead Table Topics. Ada invited four people to speak on the topic of “Heirlooms,” commenting that these are treasures that can bring family members closer together. She gave each person a family heirloom and asked him/her to speak about it.

Perry then called for reports from the evaluation team.

Timer Eva Stimson reported the following times:

Table Topics:
- Deborah Hoff 1:39
- Valerie Mansfield 38 seconds
- Eric Darnell 1:11
- Kim Kaberle 52 seconds

Ah Counter/Grammarian Betsy Blocker said she had listed each person’s space fillers on a chart, and she invited members to e-mail her for the list. She reported that the word of the day had been used one time.

Vote Counter Valerie Mansfield (pictured below) reported that Eric Darnell (pictured further below) received the most votes for best Table Topics speech. He already had a trophy and will keep it until the next meeting.

Presiding Officer Perry Chang closed by congratulating the newly elected officers. He reminded everyone to attend the next Peace Speakers Toastmasters meeting, at 1 p.m. July 1 in Conference Room B. He adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson