Saturday, July 30, 2011

Confessions from the new 2011 Public Relations VP

As an admitted novice blogger, this is my very first post in my new role as the Vice President of Public Relations for the Peace Speakers Toastmasters club. With my stomach churning and full-blown concern that I'll stumble, here goes!

July 1, 2011, ushered in a new slate of officers for our Peace Speakers club. These members were nominated by Eva Stimson, Bethany Furkin, Jessica Holman, and Kay Chambers. Easily approved by members of our Peace Speakers club, the new officers are as follows:

President - Betsy Blocker
Vice President for Education - Ada Middleton
Vice President for Membership - Kim Kaberle (2nd term)
Vice President for Public Relations - Kay Chambers
Secretary - Bethany Furkin
Treasurer - Perry Chang
Sergeant at Arms - Eva Stimson

As these new officers embark on their varied duties, we deeply thank the previous officers for their commitment to keep our Peace Speakers club vital and growing this past year:

President - Becki Moody (who will serve as Immediate Past President on our Executive Committee for the coming year)
Vice President for Education - Eric Darnell (who served 2 terms)
Vice President for Membership - Kim Kaberle (who will serve a 2nd term)
Vice President for Public Relations - Jessica Holman
Secretary - Joelle Anderson (who served 2 terms)
Treasurer - Linda Patton
Sergeant at Arms - Bethany Furkin

Our next Peace Speakers meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 3, 2011, from 1-2 PM at the Presbyterian Center, which is located downtown at 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202. Everyone is welcome. Come join us as we grow our speaking and leadership skills. It will be fun and interesting!

Kay Chambers, the new VP of Public Relations with Peace Speakers