Monday, August 31, 2009

August 18 meeting

At 1:07 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and shortly thereafter Ada Middleton led the invocation. Ada asked everyone to join her in a body prayer.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, and then began the business portion of the meeting. The minutes from the August 5 meeting were approved as written. Eva announced that there would be no executive committee meeting on August 25, and instead encouraged all club officers to attend the Toastmasters Officers Training session on the evening of August 25 at the Kentucky Farm Bureau.

Perry spoke about the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest he had attended on August 18, where he also served as judge. The second round of the Humorous Speech Contest will be held in September. Perry also mentioned that another area club is interested in forming a Table Topics contest, which our club could participate in.

Eva introduced Deborah as Toastmaster. Deborah asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Timer—Gary Warren; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Bethany Furkin.

Inspired by a recent trip to a car show, Patricia announced that the word of the day was rakish.
rakish (adj.)
Etymology: probably from rake (slant); from the raking masts of pirate ships
Date: 1824
1. having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed
2. dashingly or sportingly stylish: jaunty

Deborah introduced Kim Kaberle, who gave her Competent Communication Program Manual Project 1 speech, entitled “The Family Circus.” In her speech, Kim shared about how she learned honesty, timeliness, and a sense of humor from her father while growing up, and how those things have played into her own family’s life and experiences.

Deborah then asked Joelle to lead Table Topics. Joelle’s Table Topics questions focused on “family.”

Deborah then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

While evaluating Kim’s speech, Becki Moody praised Kim for her engaging storytelling, clear speaking, and preparation.

Timer Gary Warren reported the following times:

Kim Kaberle’s speech 8:10
Becki Moody’s speech evaluation 2:20
Table Topics:
Bethany Furkin 1:36
Perry Chang 1:49
Ada Middleton 1:57
Eva Stimson 2:01
Patricia Longfellow 1:38
Deborah Hoff 1:45

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow counted 27 space fillers, three sentence-shifts, and one word of the day used during the meeting.

Vote Counter Bethany Furkin announced a Table Topics tie between Deborah Hoff and Patricia Longfellow.

In her final remarks, Eva thanked Toastmaster Deborah Hoff and all other attendees for a good meeting. Eva closed the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson

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