DISCLAIMER: The pictures in this blog were occasionally borrowed from a previous blog. WHY? I was so wrapped up in planning my escape during our meeting to make a costume change for my speech today that I didn't always remember to use my camera (or couldn't get a good angle on some speakers). Even after my speech, I wasn't in my own body. (You'll see why.) So please forgive the lack of a few current shots.
Ada, President of Peace Speakers, opened our meeting on a cheery and enthusiastic note, speaking about the dynamics of fall. She refused to focus on those pesky squirrels that continually swipe her tomatoes. Instead, she encouraged us to think about the positive aspects of fall: enjoying family time, the colorful leaves, and being able to keep the windows open to bask in the cooler breezes. Broadly smiling and the very vision of autumn herself, Ada warmly welcomed visitors and members to our Toastmasters meeting.
Todd, our Invocation leader, chose a "Mantram" to share with us today. (Ladies, it uses male nouns but is meaningful for all.) He liked its upbeat spiritual message and said it can be used for slowing down and meditation:
A Mantram for the New Age and for All
From the point of Light within
the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the
minds of men.
Let Light descend on
From the point of Love within the
Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the
hearts of men.
May Christ return to
From the centre where the Will of
God is known
Let purpose guide the little
wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters
know and serve.
From the centre which we call the
race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light
work out
And may it seal the door where
evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.
Joke Master Relays Amusing News Clip
Joelle, our Joke Master for the day, relayed that after 8 cars crashed into post offices in Florida, the U.S. Postal Service decided to release a set of helpful tips in hopes of reducing future crashes. Factor
in that 4 million of Florida's drivers are over the age of 60, with the
two most common causes of these accidents being drivers who mistakenly
step on the gas pedal instead of the brake and drivers who accelerate
thinking they are in reverse. One 89-year-old woman caused $250,000 in damages. A local resident reported, "After the big smash, everyone started shuffling towards the front of the building." (Running...not an option for some Floridians!)
To deter further accidents, the postal service released these tips: "Visibly check to see whether your foot is on the gas pedal or the brake. Visibly check to see if the vehicle is in Park, Reverse, or Drive." (Are you sure these characters ramming the post offices aren't just disgruntled postal workers?)
"The Comfort Zone Blues"
"The Comfort Zone Blues"
When Betsy introduced me, she shared that I had not given a speech in
well over a year. I had gotten stuck on Project #6, which focuses on Vocal
Variety. I’ll admit now that I was
worried about how it’d be received.
In 2010, I had flown out West for personal development courses and was
instructed to go on stage in full costume and sing a favorite song for an event
called Outrageous Night. And that’s just how I began my speech, singing Bon
Jovi’s excerpt: “I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd, you’re gonna hear my voice
when I shout it out loud! It’s my life,
it’s now or never. I ain’t gonna live
forever, I just wanna live while I’m alive.
My heart is like an open highway; like Frankie said, ‘I did it my
way.’ I just wanna live while I’m
alive…IT’S MY LIFE!”
50 seconds of singing that excerpt and dancing around the periphery of the room in this ridiculous outfit, I began the gist of my “Comfort Zone Blues” speech. Bon Jovi belts out, "It’s now or
never," so I insisted, "We’d all just better live while we’re alive!" I think the fear of the unknown and getting out of our comfort zone keep us
from living a full and dynamic life.
Back in 2,010, I performed in front of hundreds in this silly costume
and sang for 3-minutes. Panic-strickened, I could have just sought comfort and refused to play, but I would have denied myself the fun, the
excitement, the cheering, and the growth!
Let's be honest. There's no room for adventure and thrills inside your comfort zone! In fact, over time, limitations you’ve
placed on yourself may end up making you feel overwhelmed and even trapped.
#1. Stop bowing to that little
voice inside you that insists, “YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” What stories are you
telling yourself that keep you shackled? Spirit seeks expansion and knows that you are capable of anything you desire.
#2. Prepare to take some risks
as you set your intention and make a plan, but don’t over-think it.
Over-analyzing can keep you paralyzed, and so can the fear of looking foolish. (As
I well know!) So keep an untroubled spirit about trying something new.
#3. Be okay with the results of your courageous
act, even if it didn’t turn out like you thought it would. Each time you move
away from those mind-numbing ruts and routines, you learn more about who you
are and get closer to defeating that little voice holding you back from a
richer life.
It’s true: Great discoveries are made in the turmoil and discomfort of
the unknown. What would you like to do that you’ve set aside? What are you
y-e-a-r-n-i-n-g for in this lifetime? Go after
what you want…and not just what you think
you can get.
(One of the best parts of my speech experience was waiting out in the hallway prior to my introduction and entrance. I surprised and engaged quite a few people walking by me. One woman who works at the Presbyterian Center had never heard of Toastmasters, and I gave her a synopsis of our mission. Intrigued, she said she'd look us up!)
Our Table Topics master, Perry, asked participants an array of questions that brought up their favorites. Each person gave spontaneous responses lasting 1-2 minutes. With the Word of the Day being "enthusiastic", everyone followed suit!
Who is your favorite actor?
Natalie admitted that she loves TV and regularly rents movies from Red Box. She adores Maggie Gyllenhaal, especially in the movie "Hysteria," where she plays a character who is bold and courageous despite her struggles. She appreciates Maggie's charisma and her welcoming demeanor.
What is your favorite city that you've lived in or visited?
Joelle has taken two mission trips to San Francisco and enjoys the different cultures and the vibrant neighborhoods. She particularly enjoys the Haight-Ashbury district, which is noted as a center for the 1960's hippie movement. Admitting she has some hippie leanings, she can relate to its considerable charm.
What is your favorite holiday?
Effie was quite definitive when she dismissed the other holidays and stated that her birthday is her favorite. She shares the date with her brother (who is not a twin) and two sister-in-laws. She feels that God has blessed her with them all. (I bet they have celebrated their birthdays together over the years in some interesting and fun ways!)
In which city have you lived that's your favorite?
Jan, the furthest person to the right, thought a move to Albuquerque, New Mexico, might be a winner. She left her Louisville home fully furnished and on the market. After 2 years, she emptied it out, but it still never sold. Today, she's back in that same Louisville home "feeling like a new me with the same core." She used Craig's List to fill it back up with furniture and says it's been her favorite place to live.
What is your favorite TV show?
Becki's favorite show is Revenge, which is about the wealthy living in the Hamptons. Part of what she's drawn to are the twists in the plot, conspiracies, psychological themes, and the captivating characterizations. Besides that, rich people are just fun to watch!
What job have you held that's your favorite?
Becky admitted it's hard to decide, but working here at the Presbyterian Center is probably her favorite. There are always new challenges and puzzles to tackle, just like a rubric cube. After all, she works with great people who are very different, have varying strengths, and possess great humor. Every day is fresh, and she can express her love of God openly in this work site.
What is your favorite dessert?
Looking a bit troubled, David admits he looooooves "sinful" desserts, which are particularly problematic since he's on a diet right now. His favorite is carrot cake, which he rationalizes has some nutrition in it. (Sure, David, I bet your optometrist recommended it as a good source of carrots, too.) He also talked about a hotel he recently stayed where he enjoyed a huge piece of cake with ice cream for only $1.99. Of course, being a preacher, he was laden with consuming guilt after eating it.
David walked away with the Table Topics trophy, which he'll get to enjoy and show off for a couple of weeks. He received the majority of votes for his spontaneous speech, confessing about his weakness for carrot cake.
Our meeting is about to close. Ada, our president and my evaluator, has responded enthusiastically to my speech and vows to remember the essence of it when she's faced with challenges to her comfort zone.
My speech today was totally out of my comfort zone, yet it ended up being exhilarating. I challenge each of you to stretch yourself in directions of interest that you've put on the back burner for fear of ridicule or because you believe you aren't enough. Question those limiting beliefs about yourself, take a leap, and surprise yourself and everyone else as you grow and expand who you are.
Our meeting is about to close. Ada, our president and my evaluator, has responded enthusiastically to my speech and vows to remember the essence of it when she's faced with challenges to her comfort zone.
My speech today was totally out of my comfort zone, yet it ended up being exhilarating. I challenge each of you to stretch yourself in directions of interest that you've put on the back burner for fear of ridicule or because you believe you aren't enough. Question those limiting beliefs about yourself, take a leap, and surprise yourself and everyone else as you grow and expand who you are.
We are an open Toastmasters club,
so please pay us a visit!
ARE OCT. 17 AND NOV. 7, 2012
Conference Room B
ARE OCT. 17 AND NOV. 7, 2012
Conference Room B
Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
Presbyterian Center
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
VP of Public Relations for Peace Speakers
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