Wednesday, July 21, 2010

June 16 meeting

At 1:01 p.m., President Eva Stimson commenced the meeting. Eva invited Jessica Holman to give the invocation. Jessica said a Father’s Day prayer, as Father’s Day was celebrated that next weekend.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed guest speaker Sheila Coulbourn and her friend Jessi Benton Jones to the meeting. During the business meeting, Becki Moody made a motion to approve the prior meeting’s minutes as written; Faith Aeilts seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as written. Eva noted that new club officers begin their roles in July, but that there would be only one meeting in July (on July 21). She asked outgoing officers to make sure that the incoming officers are prepared for their new roles.

Kay Chambers began her role as Toastmaster by asking the club to show appreciation to all of last year’s officers. Kay then invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Perry Chang; Timer—Debbie Belt; Table Topics—Becki Moody; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eric Darnell; Vote Counter—Faith Aeilts.

Eric Darnell chose dilatory as the word of the day.

Kay Chambers introduced Sheila Coulbourn, who gave her Competent Communication Project #5 speech entitled “The Art of Self Care.” Sheila discussed the effects of a lack of self-care, and provided simple steps for taking care of oneself.

Becki Moody led a “Father”-themed Table Topics session.

Kay called for reports from the evaluation team.

Perry thought that Sheila displayed nice movement in a room that doesn’t easily facilitate movement, and felt she made good eye contact with the audience.

Timer Debbie Belt reported the following times:
- Sheila Coulbourn’s speech 6:58
- Perry Chang’s speech evaluation 4:07

Table Topics:
- Debbie Belt 0:59
- Jessica Holman 1:10
- Vince Patton 2:20
- Joelle Anderson 1:39
- Jessi Benton Jones 1:45

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eric Darnell counted 34 space fillers, 4 grammatical errors, and 5 sentence shifts. The word of the day was used at least 3 times during the meeting.

Vote Counter Faith Aeilts awarded Jessi Benton Jones with the Table Topics victory.

Kay Chambers concluded her time as Toastmaster, and Eva closed the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson

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