Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October 21 meeting

At 1:04 p.m., Eva Stimson commenced the meeting. Eva invited Vince Patton to lead the invocation. Vince read from These Days, a devotional magazine published by Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and edited by Vince himself.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance and began the business meeting. The minutes from the October 7 meeting were approved as written. Eva reminded club officers of the next executive committee meeting on Tuesday, October 27 at 1 p.m. Eva noted that the October 18 Hunger Walk was a success, with four club members participating, in addition to past-president Glenn Lewis’s wife and Eva’s dog. Eva mentioned that Treasurer Ada Middleton still had some receipts for members’ dues; if people had not received their dues receipts yet, they were told to contact Ada.

Sergeant-At-Arms Patricia Longfellow compiled a 2010 Peace Speakers meeting schedule, and paper copies were distributed at the meeting. The meeting schedule may still be adjusted for the holiday season.

After concluding the business meeting, Eva shifted roles from President to Toastmaster. She invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Joelle Anderson; Table Topics—Becki Moody; Timer—Perry Chang; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Patricia Longfellow.

Eva introduced Eric Darnell, who gave his Competent Communication Program Project #5 speech (“Your Body Speaks”), titled “The Imprecise Art of Home Brewing.” In this speech—the first of a two-part series—Eric described the ingredients necessary to make beer, and provided reasons to consider brewing beer at home.

Eva then invited Becki Moody to lead a Halloween-themed Table Topics competition.

After Table Topics, Eva called from reports from the evaluation team.

Joelle Anderson noted that Eric was able to use effective body language during his speech by moving in front of the podium and across the floor and by aiding his descriptions of events through hand gestures. Joelle also found Eric’s speech topic to be fascinating, and thought he provided a good lead-in to the second part of his speech.

Timer Perry Chang reported the following times:

Eric Darnell’s speech 8:44
Joelle Anderson’s speech evaluation 1:56
Table Topics:
- Vince Patton 1:06
- Perry Chang 2:07
- Joelle Anderson 1:13
- Deborah Hoff 1:18
- Patricia Longfellow 1:19
- Eva Stimson 1:11

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow reported hearing 26 uses of “ah” and one sentence shift. As Vote Counter, Patricia Longfellow announced that Deborah Hoff won the Table Topics competition.

After giving her closing remarks as Toastmaster, Eva Stimson reverted back to her role as President and ended the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
-- Perry

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