Wednesday, October 7, 2009

September 16 meeting

At 1:00 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and then called upon Joelle Anderson to give the invocation. Joelle read a prayer by Thomas Merton about God’s guidance through moments of uncertainty.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, and welcomed guest Linda Patton to her second club meeting.

During the business meeting, the club formally voted to make Bethany Furkin and Vince Patton club members. Becki Moody, Vice President of Membership, reminded people that to receive the Toastmasters Smedley Award the club needs to add three more new members by the end of September. Ada, club Treasurer, also reminded members that club dues are due to Toastmasters International by the end of September, and asked that all dues be turned in to her by September 23. Eva announced that the next executive committee meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22. Eva also noted that the club will be participating in the Hunger Walk on October 18, as a group service event, and asked people to put this event on their calendars. Linda Patton made a correction to the September 2 minutes, and these minutes were approved as corrected.

Eva introduced Ada Middleton as Toastmaster. Ada discussed the meeting’s theme of “Moments—Memorable or Challenging.” Ada asked for an explanation of roles from the members of the evaluation team: Speech Evaluators—Betsy Blocker (Vince Patton’s speech) and Eva Stimson (Becki Moody’s speech); Timer—Eva Stimson; Table Topics—Bethany Furkin; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Perry Chang; Vote Counter—Deborah Hoff.

Perry announced that the word of the day was practice:

Verb: Do often; implement; rehearse
Noun: Custom, business or professional pursuit; practice

Ada then introduced Vince Patton to give his Competent Communication Manual Project #1 Ice Breaker speech, titled “The Joy and Surprises in Life.” Vince talked of working at the Presbyterian Center since 1992 (a big surprise is that he’s still here!), and of meeting his wife at the Presbyterian Center.

Ada then introduced Becki Moody to give her Competent Communication Manual Project #5 speech, titled “Back-Seat Driver or Sunday Driver? What does Your Driving Say About You?” Becki discussed how people’s driving styles reflect their cultural and personal values.

Ada asked Bethany Furkin to lead Table Topics; Bethany’s questions addressed the theme of surprise.

Ada then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

During her speech evaluation of Vince Patton’s speech, Betsy Blocker observed that Vince had good eye contact with the audience during his speech, he stood firm, and that his voice was heard. She also remarked that his speech reflected good preparation. In her evaluation of Becki Moody’s speech, Eva Stimson commended Becki for her body language and gestures, and for stepping out from behind the podium when speaking. Eva also found Becki’s speech to be well-organized, and noticed that Becki used vocal variety in her presentation.

Timer Eva Stimson reported the following times:

Vince Patton’s speech 5:58
Becki Moody’s speech 7:54
Betsy Blocker’s speech evaluation 2:13
Eva Stimson’s speech evaluation 1:46
Table Topics:
Patricia Longfellow 1:29
Joelle Anderson 0:51
Eric Darnell 1:01
Perry Chang 0:41
Ada Middleton 1:57
Betsy Blocker 0:55

Ah Counter/Grammarian Perry Chang reported 14 space fillers and six sentence shifts, and noted that the word of the day was used five times during the meeting.

Vote Counter Deborah Hoff awarded Toastmaster Ada Middleton with the Table Topics trophy.
In her final remarks, Ada Middleton reflected on memorable moments, and then turned the meeting over to Eva Stimson. Eva adjourned the meeting at 1:56 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson

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