Monday, May 17, 2010

May 5 meeting

At 1:04 p.m., President Eva Stimson commenced the meeting, and invited Betsy Blocker to give the invocation. Betsy read a poem about spring, and shared a blessing/prayer in tribute to all mothers.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance. During the business meeting, Becki Moody made a motion to approve the prior meeting’s minutes as written; Betsy Blocker seconded the motion--the minutes were approved as written. Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that all dues had been paid, and noted that the club lost one member. The current club balance is $262.56. Perry Chang mentioned that the next round of Toastmaster competition speeches was to be held on Saturday, May 15, in Sellersburg, Indiana. The winners from this round of competition will travel to the district competition in Lafayette, Indiana. Eva Stimson passed out the proposed slate of officers for the upcoming Toastmasters year, and reminded people that new officers would be voted in at the next Peace Speakers meeting. Officers will assume their positions on July 1, 2010. Perry Chang also asked PC(USA) employees in the club to send Secretary Joelle Anderson their home email addresses, so the club can keep in touch with them in the unfortunate event they are laid off on May 14.

Kim Kaberle assumed her role as Toastmaster and invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Debbie Belt; Timer—Joelle Anderson; Table Topics—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Faith Aeilts; Vote Counter—Jessica Holman.

Faith Aeilts chose spectacular as the word of the day.

Kim Kaberle introduced Bethany Furkin, who gave her Competent Communication Project #2 speech entitled “Behind the Counter: How to Be a Courteous Customer.” Bethany gave three tips on how to be a good customer, based on her experience working in the retail world.

Eric Darnell led Table Topics, asking people to describe a vacation to a randomly chosen continent, utilizing a randomly chosen mode of transportation.

Kim called for reports from the evaluation team.

Debbie Belt enjoyed the sense of humor Bethany displayed during her speech, which she found to be brimming with “good advice that all of us can use.”

Timer Joelle Anderson reported the following times:
- Behany Furkin’s speech 6:21
- Debbie Belt’s speech evaluation 2:35

Table Topics:
- Becki Moody 1:48
- Faith Aeilts 1:21
- Perry Chang 1:08
- Linda Patton 0:50
- Ada Middleton 1:45
- Jessica Holman 1:03

Ah Counter/Grammarian Faith Aeilts counted 33 space fillers and 3 sentence shifts. The word of the day was used 6 times by the end of the meeting.

Vote Counter Jessica Holman awarded Faith Aeilts with the Table Topics victory.

Kim Kaberle concluded her time as Toastmaster, and President Eva Stimson ended the meeting at 1:48 p.m. with a reminder to vote at the next Peace Speakers meeting.
-- Joelle Anderson

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