Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 17 meeting

President Eva Stimson called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. She led the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the March 3 meeting were approved as written, following a motion by Faith Aeilts. Debbie Belt led the invocation, using an Irish blessing sometimes attributed to St. Patrick.

In the business portion of the meeting, Treasurer Ada Middleton announced that she has received dues from some members, and encouraged others to pay as soon as possible. She plans to mail the dues to Toastmasters headquarters by Friday, March 26, to meet the April 1 deadline. Vice President for Membership Becki Moody announced that a display case is available in the lobby of the Presbyterian Center for a display to promote Toastmasters. The display can be left up until April 30. She asked anyone interested in helping put together a display to talk with her or with VP for Public Relations Perry Chang after the meeting. Perry announced that area speech contests are taking place March 30 at 5:30 in a room above Vincenzo’s restaurant at Fifth and Market Streets. He also encouraged members to attend the Spring Conference for Toastmasters District 11 in Lafayette, Ind., May 21–22. It will be a good opportunity to hear skilled speakers, attend workshops and a business meeting, and network with members of other clubs.

After the business meeting, Eva introduced Perry Chang as Toastmaster. Perry introduced the theme of the meeting—St. Patrick’s Day. He asked the members of the evaluation team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator —Becki Moody; Table Topics Master—Kay Chambers; Timer—Vince Patton; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Ada Middleton; Vote Counter—Linda Patton.

Ada Middleton chose aura as the word of the day. She used the following definition: an energy field that is held to emanate from a living being.

Perry introduced Faith Aeilts, who gave her Competent Communication Project #1 (Ice Breaker) speech entitled, “Best Laid Plans.” Faith described how her career focus had changed from music ministry to work with senior adults.

Kay Chambers led Table Topics on the theme of St. Patrick’s Day, having participants draw speech topics out of a “pot of gold.”

Perry then called for reports from the evaluation team.

Speech Evaluator Becki Moody commended Faith for her “aura of confidence” and said one of her biggest strengths was her volume and vocal quality. She said Faith’s speech revealed a lot about her background, interests and faith.

Timer Vince Patton reported the following times:

Faith Aeilts’ speech 6:00
Becki Moody’s speech evaluation 2:40

Table Topics:
- Eric Darnell 54 seconds
- Jessica Holman 1:15
- Linda Patton 1:22
- Patricia Longfellow 59 seconds
- Vince Patton 1:10

Ah Counter/Grammarian Ada Middleton counted 20 space fillers, and 8 uses of the word of the day. (There were several more uses after her count.)

Vote Counter Linda Patton announced that she and Vince Patton had tied for the best Table Topics speech. They each received a trophy to keep until the next meeting.

Perry Chang made his final remarks as Toastmaster, and Eva Stimson adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.

-- Eva Stimson

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