On December 7, Peace Speakers closed the 2011 year with a lovely potluck lunch at their meeting. Members gathered with dishes they wished to share and an eagerness to hear the day's talk from our Area Govenor, Jason Rehkamp.
Starting our Toastmasters meeting a half an hour earlier gave us a chance to just visit with one another and hear about each other's plans for the holidays. Being a congenial group, it's easy to stay engaged!
Here's a sampling of the chow we enjoyed. All of it was delicious! (Darn! I meant to ask for the recipe for that bean salad with the fresh parsley! Was that yours, Eric?)
And yes, there was dessert! Chocolate lovers were honored. (And for those who don't ingest sugary sweets, there were fresh bananas and apples as well. Beloved health enthusiasts, don't dispair!!!!!)
Betsy, our President, shared that the Presbyterian Staff Development Day on December 1 brought visitors into two different Peace Speakers workshops. Both sessions reportedly were well-received by participants, one of whom followed up with an email stating that this was an example of how a workshop should be conducted. Others who experienced one of our Peace Speakers meetings that day expressed interest in joining our Toastmasters club. Staff Development Day is a fun way to let others know how we go about improving our communication and leadership skills. Anyone can join our community of learners!
Jason Rehkamp, our Area Governor for Toastmasters, visited today and shared a message entitled "Moments of Truth." We all experience them, but these "moments" help clubs create a culture of success and foster quality club meetings. These "moments" within meetings are ripe with opportunities to evaluate our clubs. Knowing that member service and personal satisfaction are the optimum goals of any club, we would be wise to use these "moments" to evaluate our own effectiveness in each of these areas.
6 Moments of Truth -
Standards to Offer Quality Service in Toastmasters Clubs
1. First Impressions
2. Membership Orientation
3. Fellowship, Variety, and Communication
4. Program Planning and Meeting Organization
5. Membership Strength
6. Achievement Recognition
If visitors to a club aren't enthusiastic about coming back to another meeting, then there's something amiss in one or more of the 6 areas listed above. Maybe that newcomer wasn't heartily welcomed and encouraged to participate the first time he visited. Maybe he left without any real understanding of the communication and leadership skills that Toastmasters offers, how they achieve them, or wasn't invited to join their club.
If members occasionally lack enthusiasm to attend their club meetings, maybe the meetings aren't on time, are poorly organized, or aren't varied enough to increase interest. Maybe the agendas arrive late in the week, leaving members wondering what to expect at meetings. Possibly members aren't being recognized sufficiently for their achievements or aren't receiving honest evaluations that really help them grow and flourish. Maybe the club just isn't large enough or diverse enough to enjoy a variety of different perspectives.
We all want to feel valued and a part of a club that is vibrant and well-run. This helps build better communicators and leaders! The question is, in each of these "Moments of Truth", are they a strength or an opportunity for needed growth in our club?
Peace Speakers wants to fulfill its mission! In 2012, maximizing the effectiveness of each of these "moments" is our focus. After all, that's how members remain active and new members are recruited. We choose to make our club an appealing, welcoming place with a mutually supportive and positive learning environment.
Visitors to this blog, come join us! We'd love your influence and your perspective on the world. You have my personal invitation.
Peace Speakers meets twice a month: the first and third Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 4, 2012, at the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville. We're located at 100 Witherspoon Street, with ample parking around the building.
I hope to meet you at our next event or some time during the new year. Give yourself the gift of growth. Make your communication and leadership skills non-negotiable, and just see where your involvement in Peace Speakers takes you!
Wishing you a holiday that is fun-filled, relaxing, and peaceful,
Kay Chambers
VP of Public Relations