Friday, August 27, 2010

Congrats to Vince Patton!

Vince Patton will join the General Assembly Mission Council as Executive Administrator on October 4, 2010.

We are very happy for our fellow toastmasters member and wish you luck on your new opportunities!

For more information:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Toastmasters 2010 Fall Conference Oct 15-16

The Toastmasters Fall Conference will be in Louisville, Kentucky at the Holiday Inn on Hurstbourne on Oct 15 and Oct 16.

• Friday night is a dinner and then fun activities with fellow area toastmasters.

• Saturday has workshops and educational meetings, then a speech contest that evening.

We look forward to learning new techniques and meeting fellow toastmaster members! Please drop a note or feel free to ask questions for more details.

Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club

Semi-annual dues

Hello, Toastmasters!

This is a heads up that I will be sending individual semi-annual dues invoices to each of you.

The list that I send to Toastmasters International determines your subscription to the Toastmasters magazine and updates our roster on their website.

Please note that the
due date to me is Wednesday, September 22, 2010.

Thanking you in advance!
Linda C. Patton

Monday, August 9, 2010

July 21 meeting

At 1:02 p.m., President Becki Moody commenced the meeting. Becki invited Ada Middleton to give the invocation. Ada read a message about listening/silence from a publication entitled Grounded in God.

Becki led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. During the business meeting, Eric made a motion to approve the prior meeting’s minutes as written, which was then seconded; the minutes were approved as written. Becki noted that an executive committee meeting needed to be scheduled. Perry Chang mentioned that the International Toastmasters Convention on August 11-14, 2010 will provide streaming video online. Kim Kaberle announced that she has an upcoming speaking engagement on July 31 at a ladies’ prayer breakfast, and asked for prayers from the group.

Eric Darnell assumed his role as Toastmaster and invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Kim Kaberle; Timer—Vince Patton; Table Topics—Perry Chang; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Becki Moody; Vote Counter—Joelle Anderson.

Becki Moody chose bolster as the word of the day.

Eric Darnell introduced Faith Aeilts, who gave her Competent Communication Project #2speech entitled “It Takes So Little to be Above Average.” Faith shared how even small amounts of kindness, action, and time can “go a long way” toward bettering one’s life and the lives of others.

Perry Chang led a summer-themed Table Topics session.

Eric called for reports from the evaluation team.

Kim applauded Faith for her preparation, the tone and volume of her voice, and her “infectious” smile.

Timer Vince Patton reported the following times:
- Faith Aeilt’s speech 5:18
- Kim Kaberle’s speech evaluation 2:13

Table Topics:
- Ada Middleton 1:41
- Kim Kaberle 2:15
- Vince Patton 1:26
- Joelle Anderson 0:50
- Becki Moody 1:51

Ah Counter/Grammarian Becki Moody counted 21 space fillers and 3 sentence shifts. The word of the day was used four times during the meeting.

Vote Counter Joelle Anderson awarded Ada Middleton with the Table Topics victory.

Eric Darnell concluded his time as Toastmaster, and Becki closed the meeting around 1:45 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson