At 1:02 p.m., President Eva Stimson opened the meeting. Eva invited Kim Kaberle to give the invocation; Kim said a prayer.
Eva welcomed Jeanette Matteson to the meeting (a friend of Kay Chambers’), and led the Pledge of Allegiance. During the business meeting, Perry Chang made a motion to approve the prior meeting’s minutes as written; Kim Kaberle and Jessica Holman seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as written. Perry also reminded the club that July 21, 2010 will be the only time a Peace Speakers meeting is held, due to the PC(USA) General Assembly meeting in early July. Kim Kaberle asked for more information on how to use the leadership manual; and those interested in learning more about the leadership manual were instructed to talk with Vice President Education Eric Darnell later.
Debbie Belt assumed her role as Toastmaster and invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator #1—Joelle Anderson; Speech Evaluator #2—Eric Darnell; Timer—Patricia Longfellow; Table Topics—Jessica Holman; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eva Stimson (with Betsy Blocker choosing the Word of the Day); Vote Counter—Kay Chambers.
Betsy Blocker chose callithump as the word of the day.
callithump (KAL-uh-thump), noun: a noisy, boisterous band or parade
Debbie Belt introduced Becki Moody, who gave her Competent Communication Project #6 speech entitled “Jumping Through Hoops: Agility and Your Dog.” Becki discussed the benefits to agility training for dogs.
Debbie Belt then introduced Linda Patton, who gave her Competent Communication Project #1 (Ice Breaker) speech entitled “The Triple A’s,” talking about her life/work path from a focus on art to administrative organization to accounting.
Jessica Holman led Table Topics, asking participants to share about a person who first comes to mind after reading a quotation.

Debbie called for reports from the evaluation team.
Joelle Anderson found Becki to be very well prepared for her speech, which helped facilitate her use of vocal variety. Joelle also noted that Becki’s speech was well-organized.
Eric was pleased that the audience learned a lot more about Linda Patton through her speech. He also praised her for her very advanced display of vocal variety and her good eye contact.
Joelle Anderson found Becki to be very well prepared for her speech, which helped facilitate her use of vocal variety. Joelle also noted that Becki’s speech was well-organized.
Eric was pleased that the audience learned a lot more about Linda Patton through her speech. He also praised her for her very advanced display of vocal variety and her good eye contact.

Timer Patricia Longfellow reported the following times:
Becki Moody’s speech 6:22
Linda Patton’s speech 4:39
Joelle Anderson’s speech evaluation 2:04
Eric Darnell’s speech evaluation 2:55
Table Topics:
- Kim Kaberle 1:20
- Kay Chambers 2:11
- Bethany Furkin 1:16
- Perry Chang 1:13
Ah Counter/Grammarian Eva Stimson counted 56 space fillers, 4 sentence shifts, and 4 uses of the word of the day.
Vote Counter Kay Chambers awarded herself with the Table Topics victory (very humbly ).
Debbie Belt concluded her time as Toastmaster, and Eva closed the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson
Becki Moody’s speech 6:22
Linda Patton’s speech 4:39
Joelle Anderson’s speech evaluation 2:04
Eric Darnell’s speech evaluation 2:55
Table Topics:
- Kim Kaberle 1:20
- Kay Chambers 2:11
- Bethany Furkin 1:16
- Perry Chang 1:13
Ah Counter/Grammarian Eva Stimson counted 56 space fillers, 4 sentence shifts, and 4 uses of the word of the day.
Vote Counter Kay Chambers awarded herself with the Table Topics victory (very humbly ).
Debbie Belt concluded her time as Toastmaster, and Eva closed the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson