Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November 18 meeting

President Eva Stimson opened the meeting at 1:05 p.m. Bethany Furkin led the invocation by reading an E.E. Cummings poem. Eva followed the invocation with the pledge of allegiance. During the business meeting, the minutes from the November 4 meeting were approved as written. Eva reminded everyone that a Christmas potluck will be held at the December 16 meeting; a sign-up sheet for food and other party supplies had been started. Also, a “get well” card for Becki Moody, who broke her ankle, was circulating at the meeting.

Eva invited Perry Chang to take his position as Toastmaster. Perry announced that “gratitude and diversity” were the themes of the day. Members of the evaluation team explained their responsibilities: Timer—Eric Darnell; Table Topics—Kim Kaberle; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Ada Middleton; Vote Counter—Joelle Anderson. Patricia Longfellow, the Speech Evaluator, explained her responsibilities later in the meeting.

Ada Middleton chose aversion as the word of the day:
[uh-vur-zhuh n, -shuh n]
1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually fol. by to): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.
2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet aversion is guests who are always late.
3. Obsolete. the act of averting; a turning away or preventing.

Perry introduced Eva Stimson, who gave her Competent Communication Program Project #9 speech, titled “Is It Time to Fix Our Immigration System?” In this speech, Eva sought to persuade the audience that our country is indeed in need of immigration reform.

Kim Kaberle led the Table Topics session, which involved props and adopted the “gratitude and diversity” theme of the meeting.

Perry asked the evaluation team to report on the meeting.

Patricia Longfellow praised Eva Stimson for a “solid presentation,” noting that Eva exuded “quiet confidence” throughout the speech. Patricia also mentioned Eva’s excellent use of a real-life story at the opening of her speech.

Timer Eric Darnell reported the following times:

Eva Stimson’s speech 6:45
Patricia Longfellow’s speech evaluation 2:58
Table Topics:
- Glenn Lewis 1:36
- Linda Patton 1:29
- Faith Aeilts 2:05
- Ada Middleton 1:33
- Valerie Mansfield 1:32
- Vince Patton 1:15

Ah Counter/Grammarian Ada Middleton counted 13 uses of the word of the day, as well as 28 space fillers.

Vote Counter Joelle Anderson awarded the Table Topics trophy to Ada Middleton.

Perry Chang made his final remarks as Toastmaster, and President Eva Stimson ended the meeting at 1:59 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson

Health problems

The husband of new member Linda Patton, Doyle, has been in the hospital where he was tresated for heart problems and infection. Let's keep Linda, Doyle, and their family members in our prayers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 4 meeting

At around 1:05 p.m., President Eva Stimson opened the meeting and welcomed visitor Margaret Williams. Margaret wants to improve her speaking skills for a public access television show she’s involved with. Faith Aeilts also returned for a second visit to the club. Eva then invited Deborah Hoff to give the invocation. Deborah used Ephesians 2:10 to encourage members to “Just Do” the good works God has for them.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, and then opened the business portion of the meeting. Eva announced that a Christmas potluck will be held on the December 16 meeting. There will be a sign-up sheet at the November 18 meeting for food, plates, and other party items. A change was made to the 2010 Peace Speakers meeting schedule: there will be no meeting on July 7, 2010, due to the fact that many people who work in the Presbyterian Center will be attending the General Assembly in Minnesota that week. Sergeant-at-Arms Patricia Longfellow will email the electronic version of the 2010 meeting dates when all meeting locations are decided upon. Eva mentioned that the next executive committee meeting will be held on December 8, 2009. Lastly, Eva announced that Vice President Public Relations Perry Chang designed a Peace Speakers brochure. Vice President Membership Becki Moody had brochures on-hand for those interested in taking some.

Becki Moody assumed her role as Toastmaster and invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Eva Stimson; Timer—Joelle Anderson; Table Topics—Eric Darnell; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Bethany Furkin; Vote Counter—Linda Patton.
Bethany Furkin chose expatiate as the word of the day:
Expatiate (ex-SPAY-shee-ayt)
1. To speak or write at length.
2. To move about freely.
From Latin exspatiatus, past participle of exspatiari (to wander or digress)
from ex- (out) + spatiari (to walk about)
from spatium (space)Usage: She had been given enough time to expatiate on the topic until everyone understood.

Becki introduced Perry Chang, who gave his Speaking to Inform Project #4 speech titled “Understanding Church Growth.” In this speech, Perry described statistical analyses that help to identify common aspects of growing churches. A “question and answer” period followed Perry’s speech.

Eric Darnell led Table Topics, with the theme of “food” guiding his questions.

Becki then called for reports from the evaluation team.

Eva Stimson thought that Perry Chang gave a good speech on a complex topic. She found that Perry’s use of PowerPoint in his presentation made the statistical data in the speech easier to grasp.

Timer Joelle Anderson reported the following times:

Perry Chang’s speech 8:23
Eva Stimson’s speech evaluation not recorded
Table Topics:
- Joelle Anderson 0:58
- Patricia Longfellow 1:35
- Deborah Hoff 1:33
- Margaret Williams 1:04
- Linda Patton 1:22
- Bethany Furkin 1:11

Ah Counter/Grammarian Bethany Furkin counted 16 space fillers, 4 sentence shifts, and one use of the word of the day during the meeting.

Vote Counter Linda Patton pronounced Patricia Longfellow the Table Topics winner.

Becki Moody concluded her time as Toastmaster, and President Eva Stimson ended the meeting at 1:55 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Miss Lou Dobbs already?

Is it time to fix our immigration system? Eva Stimson will address this issue in a persuasive speech she will give at the Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club meeting, from 1:00-2:00 p.m., this Wednesday, November 18, in Conference Room B of the Presbyterian Center, at 100 Witherspoon Street, in downtown Louisville.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October 21 meeting

At 1:04 p.m., Eva Stimson commenced the meeting. Eva invited Vince Patton to lead the invocation. Vince read from These Days, a devotional magazine published by Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and edited by Vince himself.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance and began the business meeting. The minutes from the October 7 meeting were approved as written. Eva reminded club officers of the next executive committee meeting on Tuesday, October 27 at 1 p.m. Eva noted that the October 18 Hunger Walk was a success, with four club members participating, in addition to past-president Glenn Lewis’s wife and Eva’s dog. Eva mentioned that Treasurer Ada Middleton still had some receipts for members’ dues; if people had not received their dues receipts yet, they were told to contact Ada.

Sergeant-At-Arms Patricia Longfellow compiled a 2010 Peace Speakers meeting schedule, and paper copies were distributed at the meeting. The meeting schedule may still be adjusted for the holiday season.

After concluding the business meeting, Eva shifted roles from President to Toastmaster. She invited members of the Evaluation Team to explain their responsibilities: Speech Evaluator—Joelle Anderson; Table Topics—Becki Moody; Timer—Perry Chang; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Patricia Longfellow.

Eva introduced Eric Darnell, who gave his Competent Communication Program Project #5 speech (“Your Body Speaks”), titled “The Imprecise Art of Home Brewing.” In this speech—the first of a two-part series—Eric described the ingredients necessary to make beer, and provided reasons to consider brewing beer at home.

Eva then invited Becki Moody to lead a Halloween-themed Table Topics competition.

After Table Topics, Eva called from reports from the evaluation team.

Joelle Anderson noted that Eric was able to use effective body language during his speech by moving in front of the podium and across the floor and by aiding his descriptions of events through hand gestures. Joelle also found Eric’s speech topic to be fascinating, and thought he provided a good lead-in to the second part of his speech.

Timer Perry Chang reported the following times:

Eric Darnell’s speech 8:44
Joelle Anderson’s speech evaluation 1:56
Table Topics:
- Vince Patton 1:06
- Perry Chang 2:07
- Joelle Anderson 1:13
- Deborah Hoff 1:18
- Patricia Longfellow 1:19
- Eva Stimson 1:11

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow reported hearing 26 uses of “ah” and one sentence shift. As Vote Counter, Patricia Longfellow announced that Deborah Hoff won the Table Topics competition.

After giving her closing remarks as Toastmaster, Eva Stimson reverted back to her role as President and ended the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
-- Perry

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2010 meeting schedule

NOTE: All meetings will be held in Conference Room B (Second Floor) unless indicated.






16 – NOTE: This meeting will be in Room 4000 (4th floor).

NOTE: The first Wednesday in July meeting id cancelled due to PC (USA) General Assembly.




17 – NOTE: This meeting will be in Room 6415 (6th floor).

1 – NOTE: This meeting will be in Room 4000 (4th floor).

Thoughts and prayers

Keep in your thoughts and prayers our colleagues:

Glenn, whose family lost a companion animal earlier this year
Eric, who moved earlier this month with his wife to a new home
Becki, who is recoving this week from a sprained ankle

-- Perry

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 7 meeting

At 1:03 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and invited Bethany Furkin to lead the invocation. To acknowledge the fall season, Bethany read a poem entitled “Pied Beauty” by Gerard Manley Hopkins (pictured above).

Eva welcomed Linda Patton as a new member. Two visitors introduced themselves: Faith Aeilts and Debbie Belt. Both Faith and Debbie work with the Community Action Partnership in downtown Louisville. After these introductions, Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance.

During the business portion of the meeting, the minutes were approved as written, and Linda was voted in as a new member. Ada Middleton announced that she sent in the club dues to the Toastmasters International headquarters, with most members having paid their fees. Eva discussed the club’s plan to participate in the Hunger Walk on October 18, an event the club participated in last year as well. She gave directions on how to meet up as a group on October 18, as well as information on how to register for the walk.

Eva introduced Betsy Blocker as Toastmaster. Betsy asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Perry Chang; Timer—Ada Middleton; Table Topics—Patricia Longfellow; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eric Darnell; Vote Counter—Becki Moody.

Eric announced secern as the word of the day:
Secern (si surn’) vt. [L. secernere, to sunder, separate] to discriminate or distinguish.

Betsy introduced Joelle Anderson, who gave her Competent Communication Program Manual Project 3 speech, entitled “Volunteering with Integrity.” Joelle’s speech informed the audience about how to find volunteer opportunities that fit their personal skills and passions.

Betsy then invited Patricia Longfellow to lead Table Topics; the Table Topics theme was “volunteering.”

After Table Topics, Betsy asked for reports from the evaluation team.

Perry Chang found Joelle’s speech to be well-organized, and encouraged her to incorporate more “pizzazz” into future speeches.

Timer Ada Middleton reported the following times:

Joelle Anderson’s speech 6:28
Perry Chang’s speech evaluation 1:50
Table Topics:
- Linda Patton 0:29
- Faith Aeilts 0:34
- Glenn Lewis 1:19
- Eric Darnell 1:50
- Eva Stimson 2:34
- Debbie Belt 1:00

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eric Darnell counted 25 ahs/ums, 10 uses of “and so,” a handful of other space-fillers, and six sentence-shifts.

Vote Counter Becki Moody awarded Eric Darnell the Table Topics victory.

Betsy turned the meeting back over to Eva, and Eva closed the meeting at 1:45 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Walk Sunday

Toastmasters folks will meet at 1:45 p.m. this Sunday (October 18) at the corner of 1st and Witherspoon streets, in front of the Presbyterian Center parking garage. Folks will be picking up their registration packets before 1:45. It’s possible to register on-site. Go here to download the registration form: Or just show up and deal with the form when you get there. Enjoy the company of fellow Peace Speakers Toastmasters and help fight hunger! Proceeds from the walk will help stock Kentuckiana’s Dare to Care food banks and provide food assistance to people in other countries through the United Nations’ World Food Program. Pictured above is a scene from last year’s Hunger Walk, which half a dozen Peace Speakers folks walked together in. Let’s make this year’s walk even more successful. See you Sunday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

September 16 meeting

At 1:00 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and then called upon Joelle Anderson to give the invocation. Joelle read a prayer by Thomas Merton about God’s guidance through moments of uncertainty.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, and welcomed guest Linda Patton to her second club meeting.

During the business meeting, the club formally voted to make Bethany Furkin and Vince Patton club members. Becki Moody, Vice President of Membership, reminded people that to receive the Toastmasters Smedley Award the club needs to add three more new members by the end of September. Ada, club Treasurer, also reminded members that club dues are due to Toastmasters International by the end of September, and asked that all dues be turned in to her by September 23. Eva announced that the next executive committee meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22. Eva also noted that the club will be participating in the Hunger Walk on October 18, as a group service event, and asked people to put this event on their calendars. Linda Patton made a correction to the September 2 minutes, and these minutes were approved as corrected.

Eva introduced Ada Middleton as Toastmaster. Ada discussed the meeting’s theme of “Moments—Memorable or Challenging.” Ada asked for an explanation of roles from the members of the evaluation team: Speech Evaluators—Betsy Blocker (Vince Patton’s speech) and Eva Stimson (Becki Moody’s speech); Timer—Eva Stimson; Table Topics—Bethany Furkin; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Perry Chang; Vote Counter—Deborah Hoff.

Perry announced that the word of the day was practice:

Verb: Do often; implement; rehearse
Noun: Custom, business or professional pursuit; practice

Ada then introduced Vince Patton to give his Competent Communication Manual Project #1 Ice Breaker speech, titled “The Joy and Surprises in Life.” Vince talked of working at the Presbyterian Center since 1992 (a big surprise is that he’s still here!), and of meeting his wife at the Presbyterian Center.

Ada then introduced Becki Moody to give her Competent Communication Manual Project #5 speech, titled “Back-Seat Driver or Sunday Driver? What does Your Driving Say About You?” Becki discussed how people’s driving styles reflect their cultural and personal values.

Ada asked Bethany Furkin to lead Table Topics; Bethany’s questions addressed the theme of surprise.

Ada then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

During her speech evaluation of Vince Patton’s speech, Betsy Blocker observed that Vince had good eye contact with the audience during his speech, he stood firm, and that his voice was heard. She also remarked that his speech reflected good preparation. In her evaluation of Becki Moody’s speech, Eva Stimson commended Becki for her body language and gestures, and for stepping out from behind the podium when speaking. Eva also found Becki’s speech to be well-organized, and noticed that Becki used vocal variety in her presentation.

Timer Eva Stimson reported the following times:

Vince Patton’s speech 5:58
Becki Moody’s speech 7:54
Betsy Blocker’s speech evaluation 2:13
Eva Stimson’s speech evaluation 1:46
Table Topics:
Patricia Longfellow 1:29
Joelle Anderson 0:51
Eric Darnell 1:01
Perry Chang 0:41
Ada Middleton 1:57
Betsy Blocker 0:55

Ah Counter/Grammarian Perry Chang reported 14 space fillers and six sentence shifts, and noted that the word of the day was used five times during the meeting.

Vote Counter Deborah Hoff awarded Toastmaster Ada Middleton with the Table Topics trophy.
In her final remarks, Ada Middleton reflected on memorable moments, and then turned the meeting over to Eva Stimson. Eva adjourned the meeting at 1:56 p.m.

-- Joelle Anderson

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome, Vince!

New member Vince Patton is a Cincinnati native who has worked in various Presbyterian Center capacities and is now a leader in the Prebyterian publishing company. Welcome, Vince!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Congratulations, Kim!

First-year member Kim Kaberle has had a busy year: shifting careers (out of interior design), giving a speech to a large crowd, joining Toastmasters, giving a videotaped speech that was posted on the Web, and - finally - starting a new business, a life purpose coaching practice that she unveiled this past month on the Web. For more information, see the fabulous new Web site for Kim's practice, at: Keep up the good work, Kim!

Welcome, Bethany!

New member Bethany Furkin is a Louisville native who went to college in Ohio before returning to her hometown to work as a journalist, most recently for the Presbyterian News Service. Welcome, Bethany!

Friday, September 18, 2009

September 2 meeting

At 1:00 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and invited Betsy Blocker to give the invocation. Betsy read the poem entitled “Leaves,” by L.C. Brady, and recited a fall prayer.
Eva then led the Pledge of Allegiance, then asked for introductions from the three guests at the meeting: Ciscley Elliott, a guest speaker from another area club; Linda Patton, director’s assistant to Rhashell Hunter in the Presbyterian Center; and Jeffrey Johnson, returning after an initial visit to the club two years ago.

During the business meeting, Eva announced that the next executive committee meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22. Becki Moody, Vice President of Membership, informed the club that there is a Smedley Award available for Toastmasters clubs that add five new members between August and September. She noted that we have already added two new members since August. Ada Middleton, club Treasurer, called for club dues: they are due to Toastmasters headquarters by the end of September, and she is hoping to have all of the dues in her possession by September 18. The minutes for the August 18 meeting were approved as written.

Eva introduced Joelle Anderson as Toastmaster.

Joelle introduced guest speaker Cicley Elliott, who then gave her award-winning humorous speech entitled “A Fitting Place,” about a much-loved bra store in Memphis, Tennessee.

After Ciscley’s speech, Joelle asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Perry Chang; Timer—Patricia Longfellow; Table Topics—Kim Kaberle; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Eric Darnell; Vote Counter—Vince Patton.

Eric Darnell chose catalyst as the word of the day.

Joelle invited Kim to proceed with Table Topics. Kim’s Table Topics theme was the fall season, and she added a little surprise to the exercise by sometimes asking the person who drew a question to pass the question off to another person.

Joelle then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

Perry Chang’s speech evaluation was unique in that it was the second time he had heard the speech (the first time being at the area speech competition). He noted that Ciscley had worked to improve the speech since the competition by including more information pertaining to men in the speech, and by using more vocal variety.
Timer Patricia Longfellow reported the following times:

Ciscley Elliott’s speech 6:25
Perry Chang’s speech evaluation 2:38
Table Topics:
- Becki Moody 1:05
- Eric Darnell 0:52
- Eva Stimson 1:14
- Ciscley Elliott 1:00
- Vince Patton 0:57
- Betsy Blocker 1:03

Ah Counter/Grammarian Eric Darnell counted 25 space fillers, four sentence-shifts, and one word of the day used during the meeting. He also mentioned hearing a lot of run-on sentences throughout the meeting.

Vote Counter Vince Patton announced a Table Topics tie between Betsy Blocker and Eric Darnell.

After noting that this meeting could serve as a catalyst to do a humorous speech, Eva closed the meeting at 1:45 p.m.

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 18 meeting

At 1:07 p.m., Eva Stimson began the meeting, and shortly thereafter Ada Middleton led the invocation. Ada asked everyone to join her in a body prayer.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, and then began the business portion of the meeting. The minutes from the August 5 meeting were approved as written. Eva announced that there would be no executive committee meeting on August 25, and instead encouraged all club officers to attend the Toastmasters Officers Training session on the evening of August 25 at the Kentucky Farm Bureau.

Perry spoke about the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest he had attended on August 18, where he also served as judge. The second round of the Humorous Speech Contest will be held in September. Perry also mentioned that another area club is interested in forming a Table Topics contest, which our club could participate in.

Eva introduced Deborah as Toastmaster. Deborah asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Timer—Gary Warren; Table Topics—Joelle Anderson; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Patricia Longfellow; Vote Counter—Bethany Furkin.

Inspired by a recent trip to a car show, Patricia announced that the word of the day was rakish.
rakish (adj.)
Etymology: probably from rake (slant); from the raking masts of pirate ships
Date: 1824
1. having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed
2. dashingly or sportingly stylish: jaunty

Deborah introduced Kim Kaberle, who gave her Competent Communication Program Manual Project 1 speech, entitled “The Family Circus.” In her speech, Kim shared about how she learned honesty, timeliness, and a sense of humor from her father while growing up, and how those things have played into her own family’s life and experiences.

Deborah then asked Joelle to lead Table Topics. Joelle’s Table Topics questions focused on “family.”

Deborah then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

While evaluating Kim’s speech, Becki Moody praised Kim for her engaging storytelling, clear speaking, and preparation.

Timer Gary Warren reported the following times:

Kim Kaberle’s speech 8:10
Becki Moody’s speech evaluation 2:20
Table Topics:
Bethany Furkin 1:36
Perry Chang 1:49
Ada Middleton 1:57
Eva Stimson 2:01
Patricia Longfellow 1:38
Deborah Hoff 1:45

Ah Counter/Grammarian Patricia Longfellow counted 27 space fillers, three sentence-shifts, and one word of the day used during the meeting.

Vote Counter Bethany Furkin announced a Table Topics tie between Deborah Hoff and Patricia Longfellow.

In her final remarks, Eva thanked Toastmaster Deborah Hoff and all other attendees for a good meeting. Eva closed the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Fitting Place

What is fitted in the Fitting Place? And what do Graceland and the Fitting Place have in common? Laugh and learn the answers to these and other important questions when guest Ciscley Elliott speaks at the 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, September 2 Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club meeting in Conference Room B.

With this speech Ciscley Elliott won August’s Toastmasters International Area 67 Humorous Speech Contest, and she will represent the area in the division contest later in September. Come hear this winning speech and offer suggestions to help Ciscley win the division contest.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am happy to report that for the first time we had 4 officers attend the Toastmasters officer training last night! Joining me there were Eric, Perry and Joelle. This is one of the goals of the Distinguished Club Program, so we did well. Thanks to those of you who attended. I picked up some useful tips, and I hope you did too.

-- Eva

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 5 meeting

At 1:02 p.m., Eva Stimson commenced the meeting. Eva asked Valerie Mansfield to lead the invocation. Valerie shared Psalm 36:4 with the group, and tied this verse simple pleasures and gratefulness to God.

Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance, then welcomed special guest Amy Garvin to the club meeting. Amy is the area governor for Area 66 of Toastmasters (i.e., “Downtown Louisville”).

During the business meeting, corrections were suggested for the July 17 meeting minutes; the minutes were then approved as corrected. Eva reminded club officers that there is a Toastmasters officers training scheduled for August 25 at 6:30 p.m., located at the Kentucky Farm Bureau. Eva decided to cancel August’s executive council meeting in an effort to encourage officers to attend the training

Eva introduced Glenn as Toastmaster. Glenn asked members of the Evaluation Team to explain their roles: Speech Evaluator—Becki Moody; Timer—Eric Darnell; Table Topics—Deborah Hoff; Ah Counter/Grammarian—Kim Kaberle; Vote Counter—Perry Chang.

Kim introduced verbose as the word of the day.
Function: adjective
Date: 1672; Latin verbosus, from verbum
1: Containing more words than necessary : wordy 2. Given to wordiness
Verbosely—adverb; verboseness—noun; verbosity—noun—
Sentence Example: In their attempt to explain things thoroughly, politicians tend to be rather verbose.

Glenn invited Joelle Anderson to give her Competent Communication Program Manual Project 2 speech, titled “The Helping of Humor.” In her speech, Joelle spoke of various ways humor can help people cope with awkward, embarrassing or difficult situations in life.

Glenn next asked Deborah Hoff to lead Table Topics. Consistent with the meeting’s theme, Deborah’s questions centered on the topic of “humor.”

Glenn then asked for reports from the evaluation team.

In evaluating Joelle’s speech, Becki Moody noted that the speech was well-organized and contained good stories. She also thought that Joelle displayed a good use of vocal variety during the speech.

Timer Eric Darnell reported the following times:

Joelle Anderson’s speech 5:41
Becki Moody’s speech evaluation Time not available
Table Topics:
Eva Stimson 1:08
Bethany Furkin 1:12
Gary Warren 0:29
Patricia Longfellow 1:00
Glenn Lewis 2:16
Ada Middleton 1:48

Ah Counter/Grammarian Kim Kaberle announced that the word of the day had not been used at all (but she included it in her evaluation!). She counted 21 ahs/ums throughout the meeting, and 153 smiles. J

Vote Counter Perry Chang awarded Ada Middleton with the Table Topics victory.

Amy Garvin spoke briefly about a few upcoming Toastmasters events, including the Humorous Speech Contest on August 18 and the Humana Speaks “Moment of Truth” meeting on August 27. She also reviewed the goals that the Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club would need to meet this year in order to become a Toastmasters Distinguished Club.

In her final remarks, Eva observed that humor is difficult to talk about. She then closed the meeting at 1:56 p.m.
-- Joelle Anderson